Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Stress Relievers

I found a way to relieve some of my stress at the office during the day. I sit in an cubicle in a center office with no windows or natural light. It gets really depressing, especially now that the weather is getting nice outside. I can go a whole workday without seeing sunlight.

I was really depressed about coming in on Monday after a beautiful weekend, so I brought in a coconut scented candle, put a photograph of a local beach I walk at on my computer desktop and am playing tropical music. It seems to ease the pain of sitting in this dungeon all day. Instead of going home depressed and worn out this week, it gets me psyched for a walk on the beach when I get home.

I rack my brain day after day trying to come up with something....anything to get me out of this place. I wonder if I will ever have a job I can look forward to coming to again. I remember the days when I was twenty something and looked forward to my job everyday. Now I try desperately on a daily basis to get past my burnout. I still know a few people who actually do like their jobs. The question is "How do I get back that lovin' feeling?"

I read a article in the local newspaper last week about stress and traffic congestion. It talked about how much time people in various cities spend sitting in traffic. I felt a little irked when the person they interviewed from our area was a woman who didn't work, but was stressed because she spends to much time in traffic to do her shopping then at lunch time when she wants to eat, the restaurants are packed with the work crowd, so again she has to wait. Please, is that really stressful? They didn't interview anyone who has an hour drive to and from work because of traffic then has to do their errands after work. Those same people who can't even stop out for lunch because their allotted time isn't long enough to drive to a restaurant and have to wait for a table. It's funny (or actually kind of sad) how stress is perceived differently from people in different situations.

Well, I'm back to off the tropics for a while.....


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