Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday Blue's

I've noticed a new trend of mine. While I should be enjoying my weekends and days off; I find that every Sunday I get the blues. All day I have "heading back to work" in the back of my head. Instead of relaxing or enjoying my day I sit and dread Monday (and the rest of the work week for that matter).

I hate the fact that I'm wasting my life at this company/career. It really takes some purpose away from my life. Its hard for me to find a work/life balance when the work aspect is so miserable. I spend too much time erasing and trying to get thoughts of work out of my head on my time off.

The whole staff is feeling especially unappreciated right now. A while back we thought morale couldn't get an lower, while guess did. Our bosses continue to treat us like we are expendable and take advantage of as at every opportunity. The way we feel about our job is directly related to the way they treat us. I'm so burned out and tired. I hate the fact that going in to work everyday is a miserable task instead of an opportunity to shine and exercise my brain and accomplish something meaningful.

Every time I read an article about office morale I always hope my bosses read it and recognize it as it relates to our situation, of course that never happens. In fact they continue to work in the opposite direction. As the company's financial position becomes more dire, instead of working towards making the staff happier and more productive, they make cutbacks and "nickle and dime" us, which has the opposite effect they are going for. While they save a couple of dollars a month, which isn't enough to help anything, we become less productive and to be blunt...we don't give a crap.


At 2:53 AM, Blogger rocastro said...

Wow, that's so sad. I have the same feelings in my job, but not as miserable as yours. Why are staying put and not looking for another job?

The moment you count the days in a job, it's may the time to move on.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger stressrelease said...

Unfortunately the state I live in currently has the highest un-employment rate. The economy here is really bad. There are almost no jobs out there.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger KeviLars said...

I hope you're looking around for other jobs instead of just hoping you won't lose this one. I was working as a telemarketer at one point and I found the best way to "get away" form work while at work was to form better bonds with your co-workers.
Also laughter is a great way to cope with a crappy job. That's how Dilbert was created. I love associating characters from that strip with my jobs. A blog can help too for jokes, and support. But you have to find the funny too. If you need any support too, my friend runs a great blog, check it out,

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Ella said...

Great post, Sunday get me down too. I have my own blog I would love to add you to my blog roll and hope you will do the same - let me know your thoughts. I am also part of you should check it out and add your profile, it's a great way to promote your business and blog.

I look forward to connecting with you and continuing to read your blog.


At 2:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 12:59 PM, Blogger stressrelease said...

Thank you so musch for you comments and support. Unfortuantely the job market here is getting worse by the day. They just announced the highest unemplyment rate since the 80's.


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